Congratulations to Kvin for winning First Place in Chinese Storytelling. He got a trophy, a certificate, & a 6,000 baht for training and 10,000 baht as a reward.

He joined a Super S Award Competition at P.I.M. (Punyapiwat Institite Management). Each year P.I.M. launches four (4) separate competitions, namely dancing, singing, English Storytelling, and Chinese Storytelling. 

In Chinese Storytelling Competition, the competitors choose their own stories. The story should take only about 4 to 6 minutes. After telling the story, the commentators ask questions for each competitor to answer. Kvin chose the story about “盘古开天辟地” (Pangu). 

The parents would like to extend their gratitude to Zheng Laoshi and Song Laoshi for guiding and teaching him with the pronunciations, tones, grammar, and what not. Also, they would like to thank you to the TSIS and the Chinese Department for always supporting and encouraging Kvin to love Chinese and do better. It is the same reason why he love to learn Chinese so much.
